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👯 | 30 Day Blogging Challenge | Day 19: What Makes Me Happy

I'm gonna list some of the things that make me happy. Don't know how long this post is gonna be but, let's do this!

 What makes me happy

My Friends: My friends are such an important part of my life. I literally don't know what I'd do without them. And I know some people just say that but, I mean it. Yes, we have fun together, we like to go out and stuff but, they've been there for me when I feel poorly, always cheering me up and giving me advice. They are all so talented on what they do and they always inspire me. They really are like true sisters to me.

My Family (pets included): I've always been a family person and, to this day, I try to spend as much time with them as possible. I'm lucky to still have my grandpa with me and it makes me happy to get the chance to see him and enjoy his company. 

My Students: I admit it, some of them drive me crazy but, no day is the same when I'm around them. they have the most funny and random conversations with me and knowing I get to be a part of their lives and actually teach them something makes me really happy.

Spending time with people I love and making memories together.

Desserts: I love anything sweet so a good dessert can always brighten up my day.

Coffee: Since I can't function without it, coffee is the frist thing I look forward to in the morning and yeah, it makes me happy.

When I inspire someone through this blog or in life in general.

Knowing the people I love and care about are happy.

There you go, some of the things that make me happy. What makes you happy?

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