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Fruits & Passion Coriander and Olive Tree Body Care

Fruits & Passion Coriander and Olive Tree is such a popular fragrance with the company's products that they decided to introduce the scent to their body care products!

Available in the line is: Cream Body Wash - 200ml - $12.50, Nourishing Butter - 100g - $12 and Hand Butter - 60g - $12.50.

I am a big fan of Fruits and Passion now discontinued Lemon Vanilla and some of their other fruity scents so I like the brand but you would not usually even be able to get me to smell something called Olive Tree - I really can't stand the smell of olives and I even hold my breath when I walk by the olive stand at the grocery store - I hate the smell that much!

I needn't have worried, it doesn't smell the slightest bit like olives - even though it does have olive oil in it - it has a very fresh scent thanks to: Coriander, Lemon Peel, Sage and Clove and the olive oil adds a great moisturizing effect.

If it sounds like something you'd like to try Fruits & Passion has a contest going on until March 18th to win the collection - go to www.corianderandolivetree.fruits-passion.ca to check it out.

- Lisamarie -

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