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Top 10 yoga exercises for your health

Do you want to know about the best ten yoga exercises? I have written some points about the best yoga exercises. The aim of yoga is to unite the mind, body and spirit. Yoga is a science that has been experienced for thousands of years. It includes observations, principles about the mind and body connection and ancient theories.

The benefits of yoga are physiological, psychological and biochemical effects. The yoga was developed in India thousands of years ago. Now a day’s yoga is the famous exercise in the United States. The purpose of yoga is to generate harmony, awareness and strength in both your mind and body. Yoga can also reduce the blood pressure and insomnia. Let me give best ten yoga exercises.

Best ten yoga Exercises

Cobbler’s pose – Buddha Konasana
The lower half of the body feels heavy pain during menstruation. You must continue in every pose up to more than a few minutes. Buddha konasana opens the pelvic area. For a more soothing version, obtain a forward bend over a reinforce or several folded blankets.

Head to knee pose-Jana sirs asana
Expand your right leg and place the solitary of your left foot on your right inner thigh. Middle the upper body over the right leg and double frontward. Then come back throughout Buddha konasana to arrangement for the other side.

Seated Forward Bend – paschimotton asana
Bring both leg extended to forward bend. Before come to forward, lengthen the spike in a seated position. Visualize the pelvis as a sink that is tip to forward as you go back.

Seated straddle-upavistha konasana
Open you’re both legs broad into upavistha konasana. Once more, a supported forward fold is a huge choice.

Supported Bride pose
Lie down on your backside. Press your foot to raise the hips slightly and skate a yoga block under you for support. It is useful to reduce back pain during menstruation. To come out, press your foot to raise the hips again and slide the back out.

Goddess poses – Sputa Buddha konasana
Continue in a reclined position, then bend your knees away to the sides and fetch the soles of your foot jointly. To feel good, place a support under the length of your spine.

Tree pose
When you are stressed it is the best pose in yoga exercise. Stand with right foot on the inside of left thigh, knee is pointing out. Keep hands in prayer position in front of chest, palms jointly and grip for 3 breaths. Slowly increase your arms above the head and stay for 30 minutes. Repeat the same process to opposite side.

Twisting Lunge
This exercise is useful when you are in angry and irritation. Lunge will forward with right leg until calf with similar to floor. Situate left palm next to right feet and lengthen right arm up, rotating shoulders and right palm up. Stay for 5 breaths and repeat to opposite side.

When you are in sad then it is the best pose in yoga exercises. Kneel with legs shoulder width apart, arch back and reach hands after you to clasp your heels. Press your hips forward so they are united with knees, and then relax your head and neck.         

Shoulder stand

This yoga position is useful when you are tired. Lie down face up with arms at sides, palms on mat and drag knees toward chest. Push palms down as you elevate hips and extend legs straight upward, placing your hands on your back to support.

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