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Outfit of the night + Winklepickers!

On saturday we went to a New Wave party with friends.
I have an outfit picture for you, including the amazing Winklepickers I found for 5 euro at a flea market.
I was so excited to find such beautiful shoes. They are surprisingly comfortable, and frankly I love the way they look even more than those Winklepickers they cell at Demonia.
These shoes are made in Italy, unfortunately made of leather, but at least it's leather i'm recycling... lol great excuse...
Unfortunately I only wore them for the photos, because it's too cold to walk with them yet.
I can only wear one layer of sock with them, and well, the past month I'm wearing 3 layers...
And no, you can't run in them ;)

A very exciting thing is happening lately:
I think I finally have the experience of hanging out with friends. It is something I only rarely had in life, because usually I had only 1 friend except Boris, with whom we had not so much in common [mostly]. I never really had the "hanging out nights" with a group of people with I shared a lot of things...
And the past few days I actually found this kind of people, and after hanging out with them, I realize it is far better than going to some party, which will probably won't be the last goth party I'll go to, but to have such a great evening laughing, drinking and eating with people I express so much feelings to, that's really rare and special.
This makes me really happy. I think this is something I've been wanting to do all my life, it makes me feel like a part of something unique and personal.

Next post- makeup!