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Tucker Carlson blast Chicago's pathetic Larry Lightfoot has a crazed horrible politician as she replaces American flag with Back Supremacist flag at city hall

   Archie Bannister

   The city of Chicago has a virtual and open Black supremacist as mayor and lebian Larry Lightfoot is confused by his sexual preference and is a maniac. Larry Lightfoot was the subject of attack once again by Fox television's Tucker Carlson as the mayor of Chicago has done absolutely  nothing about the rise and increase of crime and in fact it is the rhetoric from this crazy man in Chicago to why there has been such an uptick in violence as police are and uff to effectively deal with and push back against the rise of Black criminality. Tucker Carlson has attacked this Back bitch in the past and did so again this week blaming this Black

supremacist mayor from playing the race card to distract fro the bad leadership and regime of this scumbag mayor and Tucker speculated whether Lori Lightfoot is a member of the Black Muslim s and th toenail of Islam and is a follower and supporter of Louis Farrakhan. Mr Lightfoot is such a avowed and open Black supremacist and racist Chicago might as well have Louis Farrakhan leader of the Nation Of Islam as mayor ans there is virtually little difference to distinguish the two. Lori Lightfoot is a racialized monster who not only seeks to replace the American flag with the Black, and Green of the black

nationalists but also wants to replace the city of Chicago flag with the disgusting flag of racial  Black separatism that is a evil display of flaggery on par with the Confederate Fag...flag. Larry Lightfoot is pathetic and the worse mayor of the country and would be hard pressed Mr Tucker would be to find a mayor comparable and almost as bad as this shit head mayor of Chicago. Tucker Carlson eviscerated this bozo bum mayor of Chicago who has done nothing but spread racial animosities and racial hatred.

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