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You Should Wear a Face Mask!

An outlook or a personal opinion is key to any form of writing; you have to have an angle on what you are writing about even if it is something you couldn't care less about. For the most part I write about fashion and beauty which means quite often it comes down to what I think about a product and I have to convey that within my writing. 

My blog was always meant to lighthearted and a place for people to come who have similar interests to me to read about products. However today I want to use my platform for something different, something I feel oddly passionate about, face coverings. 

Covid-19 is something that I have only really mentioned in passing on my blog. To be honest I didn't really want to give it the time of day as I don't feel like I can escape it in any other part of my life so why would I want the one place I go to escape to carry through such a horrid time in our lives. However this part of Covid-19 is not something I can ignore and I want to share with you why I will be wearing a face covering whenever I leave the house and why I think you should too!

What Difference Does It Make?

Wearing a face covering makes such a big difference and it might not be for you as the wearer but for those around you. A face covering helps to prevent the movement of the virus and means if you are asymptomatic, you are not sharing the virus with everyone around you (unbeknownst to yourself). I have spent a lot of time contemplating this, as someone with a vulnerable person as a member of their household, I am very aware how easy it could be for me to pick up the virus and pass it on. I feel guilty about a lot of things but that is something I don't think I could live with.

I have never been that concerned about getting Covid myself, I am a healthy 27 year old with no underlying health conditions so in theory it is not going to have a massive effect on me. It would probably be like a bad cold for me but if I were to pass it on to a member of my household, the outcome could be so much worse which is why I do everything I can when I leave the house to protect myself and those around me. I also love the fact that I feel like bit of a sexy ninja in my mask.

Your 'Human Rights'

One thing that I think is fucking ridiculous is the movement of somehow wearing a mask being against your human rights and you should be able to do what you want. Well you know what is against people's human rights, killing people and effectively that is what you could be doing by not taking every step you possibly can to prevent the spread of this virus. Not only that but what about the rights of the people who are working hard in hospitals to save your ass, surely it is against their rights to have to treat someone who has actively gone out and been an idiot. Perhaps it is time for you to think outside of the fact that yes, some masks can make it more difficult to breathe and consider that a ventilator is even worse. 

Will your human rights uphold when we have to go into a second lockdown due to people not taking it seriously the first time? How many more jobs need to be lost for people to realise that it isn't just people's health you are helping; by preventing a second wave, you will be protecting jobs and even industries. Without us taking this seriously, it could happen all over again and would we (as a country) be able to do the furlough scheme for a second time?

Why Would You Be Out If You Are Vulnerable?

I understand that not everyone can wear a mask and that there are health conditions that prevent it but shouldn't the people who can wear mask, wear them to protect these people. You might ask why they are out and about if they are vulnerable, well there is one easy answer to this, mental health. 

Anyone who says they have not found this period of containment hard is lying. Our way of life has been completely changed in a couple of months and it has been hard. People who are vulnerable have it even worse than the rest of us. They have to go through the lockdown and they have the fear of a virus that could kill them if they met someone with it, that cannot be easy for the old mental health. 

I can understand why people like this want to feel a bit of normality, all of us want a bit of normality, which is why we should help to look after them. Just think if you were in this situation, you would want people to look out for you too. If something as simple as wearing a face covering is going to help with this then I am going to wear one.  

Some of My Favourite Coverings

When this all started happening and people were buying up toilet rolls galore, I was already considering face masks but I was concerned that if I were to buy face coverings for myself, would I be taking them away from the people who need them? At the time all you could really find were the medical disposable mask which I was keen to buy but I was also nervous that people who needed them more than me would not have access to them if I was buying them. Thankfully brands have started to create face coverings which would not be good enough for medical staff but work perfectly for me in the outside world. 

Slip - Silk Face Covering

I decided to give myself the ultimate treat and I bought myself a bloody luxury mask from Slip. I have some of the Slip Skinny Hair Scrunchies and I also have a Slip Sleep Mask so I know the quality is gorgeous so when I saw that they had launched face masks I had to get one. Prior to getting this one, I had been wearing the disposable medical masks and they were rough on my skin and I'm not going to lie, I was concerned about what they were doing to my skin. I am aware of how delicate the skin is on your face so I did think about looking for a silk mask that was going to be more gentle on my skin and this one is perfect. 

Slip make their silk products from Mulberry silk and honestly it is the softest thing I have ever felt. This is reusable and washable in a 30 degree wash. I have washed mine but I hand washed it and soaked it for a bit and it still feels lovely. As this is silk, the mask is really easy to fit and due to the quality, the silk is still lovely once it has been washed. 

Inside the mask you have two cotton pads which help to protect you and there is a nose wire so that you can fit it around your nose. You are given extra nose grips so you can swap it out when it gets misshapen, which is easy to do when you wash this mask. The best feature for me is the toggles on the ear straps so that you can easily adjust the fit. I have a small face so I have struggled with the sizing of masks but this has made it so much easier. 

When I first showed this mask to my mother she did point out that because it is black and silk, it does look a bit kinky but you know what, I do not care because I feel like a boujie bitch. I spend a lot of money on lipsticks and makeup which would all be used on my face so why wouldn't I spend a little bit more on a mask that I am going to wear quite frequently. I did consider this purchase for a while and in the end it seemed worth it. Thankfully they started to sell them on Space NK and I had a £5 voucher so I did use that to buy this mask. 

If you are looking for something a little bit more luxury and that is going to take care of your skin whilst protecting you, this is a seriously good option to go for. Plus you can wash it so you aren't throwing away a mask every time you use it. 

Link to the Slip Masks on Space NK: Slip Reusable Silk Face Covering

Medical Disposable Masks

I highly recommend buying these in bulk if you are vulnerable or if you need them for work. You cannot beat the protection that these are going to give you. I know you can get them from Boots and Amazon if you are on the look out to get some. At first they were hard to come by but I actually ended up finding some in Marks and Spencer when I was doing the weekly shop so I picked some up for me and my family. 

These are handy to have if you have to go somewhere medical. Even though we are in a pandemic, I still have to go to the Doctors to pick up a prescription so I will opt to wear a more heavy duty mask for this just to make sure I am protected and so are the people around me. Even though Covid seems like the most pressing medical condition at the moment, we have to remember others do exist and to the people that have other conditions, getting Covid could be disastrous.

The only thing I will say about these masks is how wasteful they are. I understand that some people will need them but if you can avoid it, please use something more eco-friendly. I feel like we had made moves to improve our impact on the environment but some of these initiatives have been forgotten in the Rona world. We are being encouraged to use more disposable plastics, like masks and we are being told to avoid public transport, sending people to their cars. None of this is helping the existing environmental issue so please consider this when looking to buy a mask. 

Link to the masks on the Boots Website: Boots Protective Face Masks

ASOS Masks

One website that seems to have adopted face coverings from a multitude of brands is ASOS. As much as ASOS is the devil and they did not take Covid-19 seriously themselves by deciding that protecting their staff was not a priority, they do have a good range of face masks on the website. 

All of the masks are relatively basic but that means they have some great options if you are looking for something quite plain that is going to do the job. You can buy a pack of 3 for just under £15 which is good if you need to wear a mask more regularly, such as if you are going into work and need a face covering for that. 

I really like the ASOS DESIGN 3 pack of face coverings in lilacs and pink, I like the simplicity of the masks and that they are shaped to accommodate your nose. Out of all of the masks I am going to speak about these seem to be made of the most basic material and to be honest they look like they are made from jersey rather than anything luxury. 

Also as it is ASOS they are easy to order from and if necessary you can pay for next day delivery. I don't really want to promote ASOS but I thought these were worth mentioning. 

Link to these masks on the ASOS website (out of stock): ASOS Design Face Masks

Great British Designer Face Coverings

Early on the Fashion industry were quick to adopt the face covering and the British Fashion Council brought together some of the industry's most popular British designers who have created different designs for 6 face coverings that come in a pack of 3. Not only are the designs really cute but the masks themselves are sustainably made and they are reusable.

I prefer the set which contains designs from Julien McDonald, Rixo and Liam Hodges, there is a really cute floral design within the pack. All three are cute and very playful, especially the neon snake print mask which would be a bit much for my personal style but for someone a bit more adventurous would be great.   

I have not bought these masks so I cannot comment on the quality but I can tell you some of the features. All three masks feature panels to insert filters in order to up the protection of the masks. Being able to fit the mask to your face is key and these masks have everything: nose strips and adjustable straps. They feature two layers of breathable cotton that helps to protect you but also allows you and your skin to breathe. It does say that these are suitable for sensitive skin but I cannot confirm how soft these are as I have not seen them in person. I just want to make you aware of your options and I think these are a solid choice for a face mask. 

Not only are the masks themselves great but a percentage of the sale goes to charities supporting Covid-19 and the NHS. With these masks you are doing your bit for the people around you, the environment and healthcare! 

These masks are perfect for anyone slightly more fashion conscious, who want to support charity and protect the environment. You can buy these directly from the British Fashion Council but other retailers are also supporting the cause. You can buy these on ASOS, Boots, John Lewis and Sainsbury's so you can always add these on to other purchases you are making. 

Link to the BFC Masks on the BFC website: Great British Designer Face Coverings

Picture from Pucker Masks

Pucker Masks

I honestly have no idea how I came across Pucker UK but somehow they came up on my Instagram timeline and after looking at the website, I instantly loved what they are doing. I desperately wanted to include a smaller business in this blog post as I do think it is important to promote smaller businesses when you can and Pucker seems like a worthy brand. 

They create face masks which cater to everyone, they have some incredibly bright masks but they also have a simple black mask so really they have something that is going to appeal to everyone. I haven't got one of these masks but they look very comfortable and comfort definitely seems to be at the forefront of the design. In addition they have a little built in pouch so you can easily change the filter, the filters they use are standard but they do sell them on the website, so the mask is easy to maintain.

With Pucker not only do you get a cute mask but you are also doing a bit of good. 25% off the profits go to Coronavirus charities, the masks are made in the UK and all makers are paid living wage. Not only that but they say they have taken on people whose jobs have been affected by Covid and this is something we would all hope for if we lost our jobs. 

I think they deserve more attention than they are getting, they only have just under 500 followers on Instagram! They are definitely worth checking out but especially if you are looking for a simple mask, that is a bit playful and you are keen to do something good whilst supporting a small business. 

Here is a link to the website if you want to check them out: Pucker Masks

You might be able to tell from the amount of research I have done on masks, I feel pretty strongly on the fact that people should be wearing masks. I think it is important to remember that not only does it benefit you but it could prevent having to go into lockdown for a second time. 

I have been out and about a little bit since the easing of the lockdown and I have to say it alarms me, the lack of people wearing masks. I understand that it is not compulsory (unless shopping) but I thought more people would be wearing them, especially those who are a bit older. 

I want to encourage people to wear masks! I think it is important. If you don't agree fine, but if you are sat on the fence, go on get a mask on. It makes life easier, you only have to do half a face of makeup and you have the peace of mind that you are helping those around you rather than spreading a virus that can be fatal to some. 

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Body Yogurt
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June Empties

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