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Nerd John Oliver talks China's one child policy and desires to have sex with a Chinese doll bot

    Rex reed Jr
    Last Word Tonight asshole John Oliver is a idiot and a moron complete fabricator of news where most of the comedy and  the laughs are from  memes and graphics than any clever activity his moth produces . John Oliver gave a program about the consequences of China's one child policy and how there are millions and millions of more men than we omen in Chinese society which may or may not be true and likely fake news. I hardly doubt the extreme measures of the Chinese families wishing for boys so much more than girls and Mr Oliver made mockery of media reports of  these soy boy villages with no women filled only with unemployed loser males in remote  villages where there are npo women and was described as the most depressing place on Earth. The casualness of the female reporter in reporting this was somewhat funny to Oliver John's libtard urban audience and I would be willing to say there are many McDonald's in rural areas
of Kansas and Nebraska filled with old people that can be described as depressing as this village. John Oliver also mocked the idea of a manufacture supplying men in China of meager means with the availability to purchase with one man declaring he does  that he does not feel alone anymore. Oliver , who is not alone because of his outrageous bogus salary that the Chinese hicks don't enjoy, laughed and told these men they were in fact alone and would spend their eternity alone because of unwise decisions to wreck havoc on Chinese manhood generations ago and enforce a one child policy that according to the media monarchs is primarily the reason there is such a 39 million male to female
gender imbalance as parents terminated or killed daughters although there is not a shred of evidence this was always the case in China. A geeky goofy daw like John Oliver only has a wife because of the global propaganda media system employs him and he is another late night jagoff arrogant to beyond belief. Oliver wishes to have ten Asian sex robots and have a live Asian model to clean and be able to abuse form time to time as he is a sick fuck and member of the global elite from Britishstan allowed by global HBO to have a presence and pravda voice across the pond and this is indeed unfortunate. reality. Make no mistake without corrupt libtard progressive media complex and free money form the Jewish controlled federal and Central banks a guy with john Oliver's lack of talent or knowledge would be in the same boat village with these Chinamen hoping for drop in prices for sex dolls and John Oliver likely already has ten sex robots and dolls locked in a big sotrage center building with climate interior control somewhere near the coatal elite community he resides.

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