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Well holy moly/sweet baby jesus/crikey/blimey/say whaaaaaat?! 

I am so ridiiiiiiiiiculously excited to be writing this blog post, and it’s one I’ve been keeping under my hat for months. But it’s finally here, and I finally feel like everything’s worked out enough for me to be putting it out into the world. I’m so happy, I’m so thrilled; I am moving to Bristol this week!

This has been quietly in the pipeline for a few months now, and slowly but surely, it’s all come together, and the moment of truth is finally here! It really feels like the beginning of the next chapter of my life.

Me and my best friend Pebbles decided during the summer that we were done with Devon; it’s quiet, it’s boring, and we both wanted a change. We both absolutely adore Bristol. I met Pebbles on my first day of work in September last year; we were in the same training group. We’ve been super close ever since, but we’ve become absolute bezzies during lockdown. For those of you who’ve been reading my blog for a while, you may remember that I spent my first year of university living in Bristol, and loved it so much. It’s a city I’ve always wanted to see more of and do more in; there’s so much going on there and it’s such a beautiful place. After moving back home from London last year, I’ve been anxious to start the next adventure. I’ve never felt at home down in Devon, and especially after years in London, I know that deep down I’m a city-girl at heart. 

It was a slight nightmare to begin house-hunting in the middle of a global pandemic, I won’t lie. We viewed a couple of flats, but we got incredibly lucky and actually fell head-over-heels in love with the very first one we viewed. We put our offer in immediately [and then proceeded to celebrate in Spoons]. Due to covid, the move-in date was pushed back by a month, but it worked out well in the end, because we’ve had an extra month to save up. We’ve been accumulating furniture and housey bits for the last month or so, and we’re both so incredibly excited and so looking forward to starting this next chapter together. 

There’s not a lot of much to report just yet - but there’s going to be a whoooole lot to come. This is just kind of a life-update post! But I’m so excited to have my room exactly how I want it for the first time EVER [I’ve spent a small fortune in Ikea over the last few weeks] and to get to live with my best pal. Bristol is such an incredible city; so creative, so liberal, so diverse, so pretty, and I feel so lucky to get to call it my home again! Check back soon for apartment tours, bedroom tours, homeware hauls and all that good stuff!

Lots of love,

Jasmine x

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